Domestic Animal and Vape


animaux de compagnie et vape

According to several media: "Electronic cigarettes are dangerous for your pets!" Numerous articles written by non-professionals in the field of electronic cigarettes claim that vape represents a danger to our little furry friends. They create doubt among consumers. Indeed, these journalists confuse passive smoking with passive vaping, leading them to hasty and unverified conclusions.

• Your electronic cigarette's steam

Let's take the example of three sites committed to the animal cause. Wamiz advises you to stop smoking both conventional and electronic cigarettes. Vetdom goes a step further, conflating vape with passive smoking. As for Animalaxy, they claim that the vapor produced by your e-cigarette degrades air quality by increasing the concentration of nicotine, hydrocarbons and aluminum, particles that cause cancer and cardiovascular disease.

A number of reminders are in order to deconstruct these claims.

1) Nicotine
Nicotine is not carcinogenic. It is the substance linked to addiction. What is carcinogenic are the hundreds of toxic substances present in combustion cigarettes.

2) Passive vaping does'nt exist
We posted an article about passive smoking. Where passive smoking exists because of the toxic particles present in traditional cigarette smoke, the vapor emitted by the electronic cigarette dissipates after a few seconds and is composed solely of gas. The levels of components present in exhaled vapor (pg, vg, flavors or even traces of nicotine) are well below those deemed toxic or carcinogenic.

The vapors emitted by your electronic cigarettes are not harmful to your pets. On the other hand, as cats and dogs have a heightened sense of smell, they may be bothered by the scent given off by your e-liquid, without this being dangerous to their health.

However, the risks are not the same for all pets. A rodent or bird will not react in the same way as a cat or dog. So you'll need to adapt your consumption to the presence of your pet. If you have a dog with a crushed nose who already has breathing difficulties, try as far as possible to vapourize in a ventilated area.

- Vape and Dogs

Canines are not sensitive to electronic cigarettes, although they may be bothered by the smell of vapour.

If your dog is fragile, avoid blowing vapor on it, and avoid vaping in enclosed spaces.

- Vape and Cats

As with dogs, cats are not afraid of electronic cigarettes, but they are sensitive to the scent of vapor.

- Vape and Rodents

Rodents, such as rats, rabbits and hamsters, have very fragile respiratory systems. It's best to avoid vaping in their presence, as they won't tolerate too much vapor in the room. What's more, an American study has shown that vapor reduces the immune system of mice.

- Vape and Birds

As rodents are small, their respiratory system is not as efficient as that of a cat or dog. Vapor can be irritating and harmful to these sensitive little creatures. Spray away from their cage, preferably outdoors.

• The Real Danger : E-liquid ingestion

While exhaled vapor is only mildly harmful, ingestion of your e-liquid by your pet can be fatal. The nicotine present in your e-liquid causes severe intoxication.

Depending on the dose of nicotine ingested by your pet, the signs will be as follows:

- Low dose: digestive problems, vomiting, increased salivation...

- High dose: convulsion, agitation, prostration, accelerated heart rate, drop in blood pressure, or lung damage.

If you suspect nicotine poisoning, contact your local poison control center as a matter of urgency, and make an appointment to see a veterinarian.

Moreover, propylene glycol is poisonous to our feline friends. It causes Heinz body anemia, which, according to the Capea Ouest animal poison control center, leads to digestive and nervous disorders, but no kidney failure.

• Precautions to avoid all risks

Even if some advice is common sense, it's important to point it out:

- Don't spit steam in your pet's face.

- Air your home regularly, for the good of both you and your pet.

- Secure your flasks, preferably in closed cupboards or boxes. The height won't prevent your cat from playing with them.

- If your e-liquid has spilled on your table when filling your e-cigarette, clean it up immediately to avoid absorption.

In conclusion, the vapor from your e-cig is not a threat to your hairy or feathery pets as long as the place is often ventilated. The real problem comes from the ingestion of your e-liquid. Take care to well store your tools. And most of all, pay attention to what you read on unspecialized website, that will lead you to wrong paths.

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