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What is our sponsorship program?

You are a customer of baradiy.com and you wish to make discover our revolutionary concept to a close relation ?

Today with our sponsorship program, everybody is winning !

Tell your sponsored party (*) about our website, he will win 15% off of his first 50ml recipe order. And the sponsor will also get a discount voucher of 15% (**) on a future order.

The sponsorship voucher is not combinable with other offers and discount.

(*) The sponsored party must not be a baradiy.com customer.
(**) You will obtain a 15% discount by sponsored party. The discounts are calculated on the amount of this order not including delivery fee.

How to benefit it?

You are sponsor :

Identify your sponsored party using the form opposite, put his surname, name and email address.
The offer of sponsorship will be sent to the sponsored party by email.
Then, you will be informed when your sponsored party will have placed its first order and you will then receive your discount coupon.

You are sponsored party :

You will receive an e-mail from our website with a sponsorship link.
Click on the link and create your account on baradiy.com and take your first order of e-liquid and benefite of 15% discount on it.

How can the sponsor benefit from his discount ?

Once the first order of the sponsored party is done, the sponsor will receive a promotional code in "My Account" > "My discount vouchers".

Next time he orders, the sponsor can enter this code in the box provided on the "Order Summary" page to benefit from the 15% discount.

The discounts obtained by the sponsor thanks to his sponsored parties are not cumulative.

The sponsor can consult his sponsorship history at any time from the "My Sponsorships" section of "My Account" and, if necessary, send a reminder to his sponsored friends.

Want to sponsor someone ?

Nothing is easier, login in, sponsor your friends and get many benefits.

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