The French Still in Doubt


Les français toujours dans le doute

The fifth annual BVA 2023 survey, commissioned by the SOVAPE association, once again highlights French people's doubts about electronic cigarettes and its effects on health.

Since 2019, the SOVAPE association has commissioned an annual survey from BVA. In August 2023, they questioned a representative panel of 1,000 French people, aged over 18, on the following question:

« What do you think of vaping compared to traditional cigarettes for health risks? ».

The results are still worrying. Indeed, 93% of French people still don't know that vaping is less dangerous than smoking. Worse still, 56% think that e-cigs are no less dangerous than combustion cigarettes. Only 24% think it reduces the risks. What's more, nicotine and its carcinogenic properties are on the rise: 82% in 2023 versus 78% in 2022.

These sad results are confirmed by two other surveys.

Firstly, the Baromètre cancer 2021 published at the end of 2022 by the INca (Institut national du cancer) and Santé Publique France shows even more worrying rates. Nearly 8 out of 10 French people have an erroneous perception of the health effects of e-cigarettes, believing that they can cause cancer and that nicotine is harmful. What's more, 52.9% consider vape to be as or even more toxic than conventional cigarettes.

An IFOP survey commissioned by JeSuisVapoteur came to the same conclusions in 2023. Although electronic cigarettes is THE nicotine device most recognized and chosen by the French for smoking cessation, the majority are divided on its effectiveness and safety. 55% consider it to be no more or less dangerous than tobacco cigarettes, and 66% are in favor of restricting flavors.

Given that today there are still some 12 million smokers in France and 75,000 deaths from cigarette-related illnesses, it's high time to eradicate this epidemic of doubt by re-informing the French.

Unfortunately, authorities such as the Collège National des Obstétriciens et Gynécologues Français, the Haut conseil pour la Santé Publique, the Haute Autorité de Santé, La Santé Publique France, ... contribute to this epidemic by only speaking out to reenchant misinformation.

After nearly 20 years of existence, numerous articles and studies demonstrate the effectiveness of vape in smoking cessation, as well as its lower health risks (95% less harmful than cigarettes). Analyses have also shown that nicotine is in no way carcinogenic. It is the molecule that creates dependency. That's why a nicotine substitute is essential if you want to quit smoking.

There's no doubt about it, get informed!

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