Pitfalls to avoid when quitting smoking with vape (Part 2 out of 2)


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Don't be afraid to invest at the beginning

At first, if you're a beginner, you may quickly be impressed by the prices that some equipment can fetch. But there's something for every price and every need, so don't be put off. And even though the initial investment may be substantial (depending on your goals and budget, of course), you'll quickly realize savings over conventional cigarettes. For a beginner, a budget of €50 is often enough, and given that a pack of cigarettes will cost €10 in 2020, you'll quickly break even. Even more so if you buy your e-liquids from BAR à DIY 😉

Eventually, you may move on to more powerful atomizers and mods, but you don't have to. Your vape will soon become an accessory that will take up as much space as your cell phone, and that you'll always have with you. We advise you to have two different models, not necessarily equivalent. If you already have a big box, a pod might be a good idea. More portable, smaller, lighter and less demanding in terms of maintenance, it can also be used as backup equipment in the event of breakage or breakdown. After all, it would be a shame to go out and buy another pack of cigarettes because you dropped your e-cig on a Saturday evening and broke your Pyrex 😊

Electronic cigarette = upkeep

Don't forget that your e-cigarette contains parts that you'll need to change more or less regularly. Depending on your system (mecha, open, closed, electronic), you'll need to carry out regular maintenance on your equipment. We won't go into all the details, as those involved with mecha and rebuildable systems are already sufficiently advanced in vape to know what needs to be done and when. But for a beginner, this can quickly impress and scare you off. But don't worry if you're one of these people: the models you start with will (often) only require you to change the resistance from time to time.

On average, a resistor should be changed every 10-15 days, but this can vary according to frequency of use, wattage and e-liquid vaped. Bear in mind that as soon as you smell a burnt taste or simply a change in the flavor of your e-liquid, your resistor is probably coming to the end of its useful life. It's time to replace it with a new one. When you buy your first electronic cigarette, we advise you to make sure the seller confirms that you'll be able to find the resistors you need. Because in many cases, beginners will buy their first e-cig from small stands or corners that won't be able to supply them with the consumables or advice they need. When you've just started vaping, it's very quickly demotivating to have to go elsewhere, or even far away, just to buy a pack of 5 resistors once a month. Bear in mind that on most electronic models, changing a resistor takes just 5 minutes.

Don't be in a hurry to quit vaping

Of course, vaping isn't totally harmless. According to health professionals, we still lack hindsight on the long-term effects of vape, but they all claim that it is at least 95% less harmful than its combustion cousin. When it comes to quitting smoking, don't put pressure on yourself to stop vaping. Take your time, and above all, go at your own pace. Generally speaking, it takes about a year of vaping before you stop feeling cravings or frustration.

Bar A Diy's Team

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