Rate of vapers in France in 2021


Taux de vapoteurs Vs taux de fumeurs en 2021

On July 17, 2023, Santé Publique France unveiled the results of its Baromètre Tabac 2021. The last Baromètre France was carried out in 2017. We will therefore see the evolution between 2017 and 2021 concerning the rate of smokers, as for the rate of vapoteurs, it integrates the study. This was carried out among the adult population (aged 18 to 75) according to age, gender and income level. It shows that the overall smoking rate is falling in France.

The national health agency notes that daily smoking is more prevalent among people with no diploma or less than a baccalaureate, and those who are unemployed or have low incomes. Although women are less affected by smoking, the desire to stop smoking is felt more by men over 35, who cite an economic reason.

It is worth noting that 18-30 year-olds surveyed in 2021 are less interested in smoking, particularly in mainland France.

At the end of the study, it was found that the rate of vapoteurs reached an average of 5% in France, although some regions have more vapoteurs than others. For example, Brittany will have 8.5% of vapoteurs in 2021, compared with 3% in the DROM. The majority of vapoteurs are ex-smokers and smoke on a daily basis.

• Regional Rates


- Rate of daily smokers in 2017: 26.1%

- Daily smoker rate in 2021: 24.9% (-1.6%)

- Rate of daily vapoteurs in 2021: 4.9%.


- Rate of daily smokers in 2017: 28.5%

- Daily smokers in 2021: 26.7% (-1.8%)

- Rate of daily vapoteurs in 2021: 3.1%.


- Rate of daily smokers in 2017: 26.1%

- Daily smokers in 2021: 25.5% (-1.6%)

- Rate of daily vapoteurs in 2021: 8.5%

Centre-Val de Loire

- Daily smokers in 2017: 27.8%

- Daily smokers in 2021: 21.7% (-6.1%)

- Rate of daily vapoteurs in 2021: 6.3%

Eastern France

- Daily smokers in 2017: 30.3%

- Daily smokers in 2021: 26.8% (-3.5%)

- Rate of daily vapoteurs in 2021: 4.4%.


- Daily smokers in 2014: 14.7%

- Daily smoking rate in 2021: 11.7% (-3%)

- Rate of daily vapoteurs in 2021: 0.5%


- Rate of daily smokers in 2017: 30.8%

- Daily smokers in 2021: 26.4% (-4.4%)

- Rate of daily vapoteurs in 2021: 5%.


- Rate of daily smokers in 2014: 11.9%

- Daily smokers in 2021: 11.7% (-0.2%)

- Daily vapoter rate in 2021: 0.7%.


- Rate of daily smokers in 2017: 25.2%

- Daily smoker rate in 2021: 25.3% (+0.1%)

- Rate of daily vapoteurs in 2021: 5.3%

New Aquitaine

- Daily smoker rate in 2017: 27.4%

- Rate of daily smokers in 2021: 25.3% (-2.1%)

- Rate of daily vapoteurs in 2021: 5%.


- Daily smoking rate in 2017: 29.3%

- Daily smokers in 2021: 28.5% (-0.8%)

- Rate of daily vapoteurs in 2021: 5.1%.

Loire region

- Daily smokers in 2017: 23.2%

- Daily smokers in 2021: 22.4% (-0.8%)

- Rate of daily vapoteurs in 2021: 6.2%

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

- Daily smoker rate in 2017: 31.4%

- Rate of daily smokers in 2021: 29.1% (-2.3%)

- Rate of daily vapoteurs in 2021: 5.4%

Reunion Island

- Rate of daily smokers in 2014: 25.1%

- Rate of daily smokers in 2021: 20.7% (-4.4%)

- Rate of daily vapoteurs in 2021: 1.7%.

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