Top Five Books about Vape


top 5

Every year, vape is attracting more and more interest from teachers, enthusiasts and novices alike. Numerous books have been written to explain what electronic cigarettes are, and how effective they are as a substitute for tobacco.

Discover the 5 must-read books to learn more, or to immerse yourself further in the fascinating world of vape.

1. Ma cigarette électronique by Monsieur B.

This is a comic book released in 2014 that reads very quickly. It tells the story of Mr. B's personal experience, adding touches of humor and anecdotes through impactful illustrations. Even though it's 10 years old, the facts are still relevant today.

Read it or give it to a vape lover for a good laugh.

ma cigarette électronique

2. Bienvenue dans la Vape by Sébastien Béziau

Sébastien Béziau is the creator of the Vap'You blog, and one of the founders of the Sovape association. He quit smoking thanks to vape, and to celebrate his 10 years of abstinence from tobacco, he is making available his book Bienvenue dans la Vape (free ebook download on Vap'You). In it you'll find his personal experience as a former smoker, but he also sets out to demystify certain preconceived ideas about electronic cigarettes. On his blog, he explains that it's not a protocol or method for quitting smoking, but a means of discovering and understanding that you can quit thanks to this device.

If you still have questions, if you need support to motivate you, don't hesitate! These 80 pages are sure to help.

bienvenue dans la vape

3. La vérité sur la cigarette électronique by Jean-François Etter

This book is written by Professor Etter, a leading authority on e-cigarette research, Doctor of Political Science and Professor of Public Health at the Institute of Global Health at the University of Medicine in Geneva, and Director of the Stop-Tabac website.

In 2013, he took part in drafting the report commissioned by the French Office for the Prevention of Tobacco Use, which he did not sign, considering that it was not sufficiently based on scientific evidence and that its conclusions limit access to a product that could have been a turning point in the fight against smoking.

His book was published in 2014, and despite the ten years that have passed, it is still relevant, even if some of the details are, today, outdated. His essay aims to inform about research and educate about electronic cigarettes. In addition, he deconstructs preconceived ideas that lead to damaging consequences such as user mistrust, restrictive legislation, ill-informed politicians and doctors, and consequently misguided patients.

At the end of his book, you'll find tools for assessing your dependence on tobacco, but also on e-cigarettes and withdrawal symptoms.

la vérité sur la cigarette électronique

4. La cigarette électronique, enfin la méthode pour arrêter de fumer facilement by Philippe Presles

A former smoker, but first and foremost a tobacco physician, Philippe Presles knows what he's talking about. He was behind the creation of the Moncey Institute, which aims to popularize health messages and design relevant prevention programs. He also writes articles for the website.

He observes that the electronic cigarette is an excellent way to stop smoking and that this method works for many patients, often much better than nicotine substitutes. He therefore includes it in the tools he recommends to his own patients, and proposes it as an alternative. In his book, he aptly clarifies the dangers of combustion cigarettes for the body and explains the mechanisms of vape.

In the appendices, you'll find certified tests that complete the wealth of information in this book.

la cigarette électronique enfin la méthode pour arrêter de fumer facilement

5. La face cachée des antivapes by Charly Pairaud et Vincent Cuisset

Released in March 2023, this documentary book is written by the Chairman and CEO of VDLV, a French manufacturer of eliquids, concentrates and nicotine for electronic cigarettes. Over 254 pages, the authors take a close look at the strategies used to discredit e-cigarettes.

They drew on 10 years of expertise as well as 2 years of research and documentation on the antivape movement.

In an interview, they said: "We wanted to shift the gaze: rather than praising vape, we focused on the opposition to vape in order to understand it. Understanding to help potential vapers make the right choices, to help professionals adopt the right practices, to help policymakers make informed decisions."

Read on to understand what's at stake in the anti-vape trend. Warning: it is strongly recommended to be an informed vapoteur.

la face cachée des antivapes

These 5 books will give you an informed opinion on vape, help you learn more and support you in your approach.

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