Stop Smoking : In pairs we're stronger !


en couple c'est plus facile d'arrêter de fumer - BAR à DIY

"Quitting smoking, whatever the method used, is easier when you're a couple " says an English study of the Imperial College of London. Whether both members of the couple smoke, or just one, the chances of success are multiplied by 6.

This phenomenon, known as "active support", is based on the principle that the couple can resist the temptation to smoke and support each other when the need arises."Partners can distract each other (walks, cinema...) and encourage alternative activities (eating healthy food, meditation...)." explains Magda Lampridou, author of this study.

It's worth noting that a smoker in withdrawal avoids coffee breaks at work, social occasions and places where smoking takes place, but soon feels lonely and isolated. Quitting smoking as a couple can help eliminate this feeling of loneliness.

The study team from Imperial College London followed 222 smokers trying to quit for 16 weeks. They used a variety of solutions: patches, gums, Varenicline supplements...

After 16 weeks, the odds of quitting smoking were better for couples than for individuals. In fact, the chances of quitting smoking were multiplied by 5.83 in pairs compared with those attempting to quit alone.

Is weaning off cigarettes through vape a solution?

It's safe to assume that using e-cigarettes as a cessation aid will also lead to optimal smoking cessation. We often tend to think of vape as an ineffective method of quitting smoking, just as dangerous as using traditional cigarettes. However, if your partner is well-informed about the benefits of vaping, he or she can play the role of moderator, reassuring the couple. What's more, he or she will be able to confirm that coughs, headaches and fatigue are due solely to smoking cessation and not to vape.

For singles, nothing is lost! They can get involved and show their determination, whatever method they use to quit smoking, and they can also be monitored by health professionals.

BAR à DIY Team

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