The impact of vaping on those around you


Impact de la vape sur son entourage

We all know that the effects of cigarettes are harmful for our health. You can actually find an article on stop tobacco on our website, by clicking here.

But what are the effects on those around us ?

• The impact of cigarette on our close ones

In 2020, 1100 persons died from passive smoking in France.

Passive smoking is very noxious on your entourage. When you smoke next to a non-smoker, the person inhales unintentionally all the substances you inhale, some of which are carcinogenic.

kind of smoke

Environmental smoke is the most dangerous for non-smokers and provoke within them many illnesses such as coronary, lungs cancer...

The impact is way more important on our children and pregnant women. Indeed, their immune system are more vulnerable.

Children who suffer cigarette's smoke are more liable to develop infections like ear infection, or bronchitis. Even more serious for infant, passive smoking rises risks of sudden infant death and also cancers and brain tumors.

Alongside those severe troubles, we cannot forget the discomfort provoked by smoke: eyes irritations, nausea, smell, headaches...

• The impact of vaping on our entourage

As previously shown, the smoke of traditional cigarette is very toxic event more on our entourage who did not choose to be exposed to it. Then, what about the impact of vaping on them ?

Though we don't have as much step back as for cigarettes' effects, we can already bring many answers about the impact of electronic cigarettes on our entourage.

We have certain absolute convictions. Firstly, concerning the length of time steam remains in the atmosphere: if the e-liquid is mostly composed with MPVG, then the steam vanishes in only a minute, the length of time is a bit longer when the e-liquid is richer in VG. However, steam vanishing duration is clearly less high than traditional cigarette's smoke.

The components of e-cigarette's steam which last longer are under gas form, whether cigarette's smoke components are in particles form. As said earlier, environmental smoke is the worst, nonetheless, we must not forget particles and residues that are dangerous for the health. Passive smokers inhale them unwillingly. Those extremely small residues will nestle in the deepest level of the lungs. The fact that these aren't in the steam of electronic cigarettes, makes passive vapers less exposed to the risks of cardiovascular disease or pulmonary. Following some scientists, we know that the demi-life of the steam droplet is around a hundred times inferior than demi-life of tobacco smoke. This implies that electronic cigarette is a hundred time less harmful than combustion cigarettes.

What does passive vapers inhale ?

In the gas phase, we find some PG and VG as well as flavoring and small quantity of nicotine, small quantity of metals or burnt cotton. In any case, present rates are very minim to the values known to be toxic or carcinogen.

Yet, if your e-liquid is composed with nicotine, this one will be in the gas of the steam and be inhaled by your entourage. Let's recall, that nicotine is responsible of the addiction to cigarette. Not used to nicotine effects, this will be more toxic for passive vapers and smokers. Their nicotine intolerance will cause undesirable effects like headaches, nausea even vomiting, furred mouth, dizziness, and in the more extreme case, there are effects on the heart frequency, arterial pression or neurological. However, in a classic cigarette, it is not nicotine that causes the biggest damages on the health level. Consequently, a passive vaper will expose himself to very few risks.

Even if we were able to find minute traces of carcinogenic substances or particles in concentrations similar to those found in certain withdrawal medications, passive exposure to e-cigarette vapors poses virtually no risk to passive vapers, unlike passive smokers exposed to combustion cigarettes.

In conclusion, e-cigarette users only expose their loved ones to irritating chemicals and nicotine, if any, which is a very small risk compared to that faced by passive smokers.

• Prevention

If you are a regular smoker, try as much as possible to avoid closed rooms, opening windows is not enough. Don't smoke next to children, pregnant women and fragile people.

Be that as it may, even if vaping has a low impact on our entourage, it is recommended not to vape next to kids and fragile persons.

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