End of Holidays > Weaning Goal


Objectif Sevrage Nicotine

At the start of each year, we set ourselves resolutions to keep. The most common of these: "This year, I've decided to stop smoking". How many of us have actually succeeded? Very few. So why not wait until next year to set yourself a new challenge? After all, the start of the new school year is a kind of fresh start.

Stopping smoking

First of all, although it seems logical, before moving on to nicotine withdrawal, you need to know whether you're no longer addicted to burning cigarettes. Indeed, you've been vaping for some time, but if you continue to smoke or still have cravings to smoke, then you still have some form of tobacco addiction. Nicotine addiction is amplified by tobacco consumption. If all you do is vapourize, then you can begin your nicotine withdrawal, as nicotine has less impact on your dependence without tobacco consumption.

Action of nicotine on the body

Nicotine has an immediate effect on the body, and more specifically on the brain. It binds to receptors and stimulates the reward system, which releases dopamine, also known as the pleasure hormone.

When you start smoking, nicotine multiplies the number of receptors. As a result, the demand for dopamine will be higher and, consequently, the craving for nicotine more intense, in order to satisfy the craving.

Why is it necessary to stop smoking in order to wean off nicotine?

As mentioned above, tobacco amplifies nicotine dependence for the simple reason that nicotine only takes 20 seconds to reach the receptors, compared with several minutes when you vapourize. You'll need to be well accustomed to e-cigarettes, and therefore to the way nicotine interacts with the brain, to get started.

How to determine your current nicotine level

Comment déterminer la teneur en nicotine de son e liquide

Nicotine withdrawal

So, nicotine doesn't act as quickly on our brains when we vapot, in fact, the nicotine "hit" is non-existent with electronic cigarettes. If you're a new vaper, your body will get used to the new way of absorbing nicotine, and quite naturally your dependence will start to diminish. Nevertheless, you're still consuming the same level of nicotine as when you smoked. When you feel you've become accustomed to this new way of absorbing nicotine, you can start thinking about reducing your rate.

But remember, every body works differently, so be patient. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon.

Bar A Diy and its personalized nicotine withdrawal support

As you know, Bar à Diy has patented its concept. This patent includes personalized nicotine withdrawal support.

With each order you place, you can determine not only the quantity of e-liquid, but also the nicotine level, which you can adjust from 1 to 1.

Together, we'll determine the recommended nicotine level according to your cigarette consumption, as well as whether you should choose classic nicotine or nicotine salt. The difference between the two is explained in the following articles:

- Nicotine

- Salt nicotine

After that, we support you in your weaning process to reach 0 nicotine. Our method is not frustrating. We focus on your rhythm, and together we'll reduce your nicotine level by 1 step at a time. The most important thing is to go down in small increments. In fact, if I lower my dosage from 1 mg/ml to 1 mg/ml, my body and brain won't even notice because I won't feel any cravings or frustration.

If you would like to follow the withdrawal program, please contact us by telephone on or or by e-mail at contact@baradiy.com.

If you live near Nîmes or Alès, we'll be happy to follow up with you as soon as possible. The teams in our two physical boutiques are there to provide you with even more personalized support.

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